Coaching Leaders and Uniting Teams since 1999

Trust Each Other, Win Together

We bring the dynamics of high-performance sports into the realm of business leadership. Drawing from our rich experience in competitive environments, we understand the profound impact of well-balanced team chemistry and effective flow. Our approach is designed to make management a fulfilling journey rather than a stress-filled chore. We aim to improve the lives of individuals and groups by nurturing a leadership style that promotes teamwork and winning together.

  • Phil Ohl


    As a former member of Canada’s National Basketball team, Phil was surrounded by high achievers, even playing Michael Jordan and the Dream Team and now as a person living with MS, he understands the commitment, the grit and the unwavering demand of oneself required to thrive in the face of difficult challenges and circumstances.

    Phil is committed to challenging his clients to burn with something other than business as usual. Clients who work with Phil discover that they are much bigger and more potently effective than they ever imagined themselves to be. They discover a quality in their relationships with others that was not previously available to them. They gain a greater freedom and confidence in their decision making and a heightened level of vitality, awareness, and effectiveness. They gain an improvement in their observational and listening acuity and a more productive place from which to operate. Ultimately, Phil supports his clients to alter their relationship with that which they considered to be possible for themselves and others - breaking up, breaking open pre-conceived notion of how things are.

  • Dominic Ohl


    Dominic is deeply curious about the power of team chemistry. He coaches because he is passionate about supporting others to transform themselves and their teams into the best version of themselves. He wants his clients to feel excited about their work and inspired by their teammates.

    His approach is grounded in creating an environment where leaders can explore new ideas and opportunities, breaking down ambitious goals into actionable steps. Dominic excels in fostering self-awareness and acceptance, helping clients navigate workplace dynamics, manage transitions, and lead authentically.

    In his previous role as Program Coordinator for VIATEC’s Venture Accelerator Program, Dominic worked closely with business coaches to support more than one hundred entrepreneurs through the startup phase of their technology ventures.

    He approaches his work with a caring heart and a mind that loves finding patterns, making connections, and solving problems.

  • Rosemary Cannon


    Rosemary Cannon is passionate about cultivating self-knowledge and bringing people to a life-changing experience of their own agency and power. Her work is grounded in deep Compassion and an invitation into an integrated and fulfilling experience in all relationships – with others and with the Self. From a rich toolset of perspectives and practices, she provides a space for clients to expand into a deeper experience of who they are and what is possible from achieving a state of “flow” throughout their lives.

    Rosemary has worked as a Leadership Coach for over fifteen years in the public and private sector, and has volunteered as a team coach with Leadership Victoria (Victoria, BC) for many years. She lives, works and plays in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Get in Touch

Ready to start leading with confidence and clarity? Send us a message to get the conversation started. We look forward to hearing from you!