Missing the Olympic Cut

In 1992, I had the honor of representing Canada’s men’s national basketball team at the Olympic Qualifying tournament. We were vying for one of four coveted spots, a goal that seemed as clear and inspiring as any I had encountered in my athletic career. This moment was the culmination of years of dedication, hard work, and passion. Prior to this, I had been fortunate to be part of four national championship teams with the University of Victoria, where I experienced the magic of a team united by a common purpose.

As we prepared for the tournament, I believed we had all the ingredients for success: talent, determination, and a clear goal—to qualify for the Olympics. However, as the tournament progressed, it became evident that not everyone was on the same page. One or two players had their own agendas, and this lack of alignment started to seep into our team dynamics.

Despite our best efforts, this disunity came to a head during the crucial qualifying game for the fourth place spot. Winning this game would mean fulfilling our Olympic dream; losing meant going home for the summer. The lack of team chemistry and alignment ultimately contributed to our downfall in that decisive game. We fell short, not because we lacked skill or determination, but because we weren’t united in our purpose.

This experience was a stark contrast to the synergy and trust I had known with the University of Victoria's championship teams. Those teams were a testament to what happens when every member buys into a shared goal, trusts each other, and plays selflessly. The sense of camaraderie and collective purpose made our victories not just possible, but incredibly rewarding. It was more than just winning games; it was about the joy and fulfillment that came from working together towards a common objective.

This powerful lesson from my athletic career has profoundly influenced my approach as an executive coach. I’ve seen firsthand how the lack of alignment can derail even the most talented teams, and conversely, how a united team can achieve extraordinary success. My mission is to bring this understanding to organizational teams, helping them harness the power of alignment and shared purpose.

In the business world, just as on the basketball court, the stakes are high. Tolerating anything less than full commitment to the shared goal is detrimental. But when every member of the team buys into the goal, supports each other, and plays with trust, the results are transformative. Performance soars, and work becomes more than just a job—it becomes a fulfilling, enjoyable experience.

Our team is committed to helping organizations cultivate this kind of magic. By aligning goals, fostering trust, and building cohesive teams, I know that we can elevate performance and create a work environment where everyone thrives. My journey from the court to the boardroom has shown me that with the right team alignment, anything is possible.