From Status Quo to Clear Vision: The Transformation of Clark Trowsdale LLP

Clark Trowsdale LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants is an accounting firm located in Victoria, BC.

The Challenge

Dustin Clark and his business partner, accountants in an established accounting firm in Victoria, took over the firm when the retiring partners offered them the opportunity to buy it. After a few years, they realized they lacked a clear direction and had fallen into maintaining the status quo, which wasn’t sustainable. They wanted to make their own mark and establish a new direction for the business. So, Dustin reached out to The Leader’s Edge to get some coaching.

Clarity of Vision and Purpose: Establishing a clear direction for the firm's future.

Unique Identity: Developing a distinct identity and leadership style for the firm.

Core Values: Identifying core values to guide business decisions and practices.

Actionable Goals: Setting clear, actionable goals for growth and success.

Leadership Development: Enhancing their skills in managing the business and leading effectively.

The Solution

We connected Dustin with one of our coaches. They met consistently over 6 months and worked on the following:

Core Values Discovery:
Pinpointing what mattered most, both personally and professionally.

Partner Collaboration: Enrolling both partners in the visioning conversation.

Setting Clear Goals: Clarifying what they really wanted for the firm's future.

Sustainable Approach: Focusing on creating a firm that supports their lifestyle.

Action Steps: Setting practical, actionable steps after each session to keep things moving.

Ongoing Support: Regular coaching to keep them accountable and on track.

The Results

Dustin is playing the game he wants to play, working with a solid group of clients without stretching himself or the firm too thin. He has a clear game plan for himself and his partner, with clear boundaries and expectations in place to keep everything running smoothly.

He continues to maintain a relationship with his coach, Phil, 4 years later. Phil supports him in staying locked in on his goals and overcoming obstacles as they come up.

“Phil truly listened and took the time to navigate the complexities of running a business.  He provided valuable insights and practical strategies that allowed me to define my goals and improved how I manage my business and myself.   Whether you're starting out or already established, I highly recommend Phil and The Leader’s Edge.” - Dustin Clark